Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast

"I'm Cooked" with Bats - Special Edition #3 - East Beef Stroganoff.  Bats and I go through this recipe, and also have a chat about how the buildup to the Heart 2 Heart Walk launch at Parliament House takes a lot of personal preparation and is quite an emotional event within itself for the walk participants for a whole bunch of reasons.  As Vince always says, we might all be on the same walk, but everyone has their own journey to do.

Send in your comments, suggestions and new recipes to either Facebook or instagram.  All links are available at: https://linktr.ee/h2hwalk

Please check out our website: www.heart2heartwalk.org which contains links to handy links.
If you need support: click on the Support Directory link on the main page.

Follow the podcast on Instagram:  @h2hwalk.podcast
Follow the podcast on Facebook: h2hwalk.podcast

Our walk: www.heart2heartwalk.org
Instagram: @heart2heartwalk2023
Facebook: Heart2HeartWalk2023

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What is Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast?

Podcast of the Heart 2 Heart Walk. A long distance walk to raise awareness around First Responder Mental Health and Wellbeing including Suicide, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Premature Mortality. The Heart 2 Heart Walk will take place from the 1 July 2023 from the geographic centre of Australia to the Nation's Capital, taking 3 months and over 2500km. The Podcast will cover everything from amazing stories of Police and Emergency Services workers right through to academic researchers looking at the issues related to mental health of Australia's First Responders.
Instagram: @h2hwalk.podcast