Holywell Brexit Focus Podcast

In the first of our Brexit Focus Podcast series since May 2019 Paul Gosling and Gerard Deane discuss recent developments in relation to Brexit as the original deadline of 31st October approaches. The revised Withdrawal Agreement currently before parliament and likely impacts on the North West are considered.

Show Notes

Brexit Focus Podcast - Episode 19

Gerard Deane and Paul Gosling discuss recent developments in relation to Brexit as the original deadline of 31st October approaches. The revised Withdrawal Agreement currently before parliament and likely impacts on the North West are considered including: 
  • Future relationship between UK & EU 
  • The proposals in relation to the Single Market and Customs Union in relation to Northern Ireland
  • VAT complications 
  • Future of UK trade 
  • Strengthening links between NI and Republic of Ireland
  • Consent provision within the proposals 
Further reading on each of these issues can be found in Paul's excellent article on The Detail site - https://thedetail.tv/articles/what-is-the-impact-of-the-withdrawal-agreement-on-northern-ireland

Keep an eye out for (at least one!) future episode/s of the podcast on how Brexit will impact on Northern Ireland and the North West.

What is Holywell Brexit Focus Podcast?

Through the Brexit Focus Podcast Holywell Trust, with the support of our Brexit Expert Paul Gosling, examine how Brexit will impact on the community in the North West.