The Regenaissance Podcast

This is unlike any episode I have done so far. SolBrah does not work in agriculture but he is one Twitter account that has had a major impact on my life and helped me overcome the very things that led me to start Regenaissance. I was able to sit down with him in person to share my personal experiences from my time with my brother as his caretaker and help my mother, who both are now gone. We then dived into the healthcare system, food system, taking back our health and something that's not discussed enough, your mindset and what you tell others but most importantly, yourself. This is one of the most meaningful conversations I have had in my life because I have been following him for years, folks might disagree with his viewpoints but there is no denying what he preaches works, I'm living proof. 

He just released his book, The Sol Way, which can be purchased here

What is The Regenaissance Podcast?

Hosted by @Regenaisanceman with the mission of reconnecting us back to where our food is grown & exposing everything that is wrong with our broken food system. We are more disconnected from our food than we ever have been. I sit down with ranchers and farmers to give them a voice and hear their stories, helping paint a picture of what it really looks like to support humanity with food. I also will be talking to others involved in the agriculture space as there is a lot that goes into it all. My hope is that from hearing this podcast you will begin to question what you eat and where from.