Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata

Whether you're hosting webinars, conferences, trade shows, or virtual gatherings, the potential to create meaningful connections and generate ROI from your events is great. However, to truly unlock the benefits, you must navigate the nuances of event strategy and, crucially, measure your ROI.

Emelie Linheden, VP of Marketing at Younium, will join us and share her insights and strategies on how to maximise ROI from your events, including:

- Event Strategy: how to set clear objectives, identify your target audience, and create a roadmap for success.
- Engagement Techniques: how to use innovative ways to keep your audience engaged throughout your events and create memorable experiences.
- Measuring Success: how to effectively measure the ROI of your events, including best practices for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs).

Follow Emelie Linhedenon LinkedIn:
Follow Ines Ben Farhat on LinkedIn:

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What is Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata?

Welcome to the Attributed Podcast by Dreamdata where every week we host inspiring guests from across the B2B go-to-market space. Together we explore the biggest challenges facing Marketing, Sales, and Ops teams and discuss innovative ways to optimise growth and fire up revenue.