Healing from Shame

In "The Shame of a Mother,"  we have all felt how our choices have affected those around us. This episode will talk about shame, grief, and loss and how to walk through some of the most painful moments that we as humans have to face: the loss of a loved one. I wonder if you have ever considered Eve's heart in Genesis 4 when she lost one son to death and the other son when he was driven out of the land? In this episode, we will read through Genesis 4, and Patti will be sharing her testimony about when she lost her son to death and the other son to drugs and alcohol. 

We will also have a bonus episode available to subscribers only on Apple Podcast about praying for your child/children!

Creators & Guests

Women in Pursuit of God and all God has!!! By enjoying this life and being a good steward of what He has given.
Patti Crisafulli
Patti is a prayer warrior, lover of Jesus and a mother of three.

What is Healing from Shame?

Come with me as I gather women from different walks and seasons: who love God together to talk about the shame they have experienced, even if we have caused it ourselves or something outside of God's design brought us shame. Shame can be complicated, but together, let us tell you the secrets God has shown to our hearts to overcome the shame from the past to the present and even the future. We will no longer walk in shame, but we will walk with God, knowing his heart for us and that the Father loves us no matter what we're dealing with.