The Next Frontier - Reimaging Higher Education

The Next Frontier is a new podcast series presented by the American Association of University Administrators. Our objective is to offer unique programming to educators that is thought-provoking – hearing from leaders that were engaging in work that is plotting our “next frontier.”  Our goal for the Podcast Series is about the transformation of higher education—Reimaging Higher Education. With this AAUA series, we are through interviews exploring the new normal for higher education and gaining a better understanding of the cutting-edge issues we as educators will tackle. 

What is The Next Frontier - Reimaging Higher Education?

A monthly 30-minute series is a thought-provoking podcast series that explores the future of higher education. We'll delve into the challenges and opportunities facing higher education today and discuss innovative solutions that are transforming the way we learn and teach. The series is a production of the American Association of University Administrators and hosted by Dr. Lynn Burks and Dr. Sandra Affenito.