The Last Negroes at Harvard

In his new book,Northwestern University Professor Kevin Boyle captures the inspiring and brutal events of this passionate time with a remarkable empathy that restores the humanity of those making this history. Often they are everyday people like Elizabeth Eckford, enduring a hostile crowd outside her newly integrated high school in Little Rock, or Estelle Griswold, welcoming her arrest for dispensing birth control information in a Connecticut town. Political leaders also emerge in revealing detail: we track Richard Nixon’s inheritances from Eisenhower and his debt to George Wallace, who forged a message of racism mixed with blue-collar grievance that Nixon imported into Republicanism.

What is The Last Negroes at Harvard ?

The podcast is about being Black in America for 80 years... as seen through the eyes of The Last Negroes at Harvard. There were 18 of us. We were in the Class of 1963. Before we leave the planet, we have a lot to say and people we want to talk to.