ESSB podcast episodes

This episode is created by the ESSB’s student confidential person, which is a network of students that provides a listening ear to fellow students. The theme of this episode is ‘active listening’, a skill everyone can use to understand the actual meaning and intention of other individuals.

Show Notes

Can everyone do something to facilitate inclusion and belonging in their surroundings? Yes, we can! In this episode, we will introduce a highly effective skill called ‘active listening’, which stems from the field of psychology to understand others and establish trustful relationships. Two student-confidential persons who are part of a network of students that has been trained on this skill host this episode. They invited psychologist Aleksandr Miskelovic to discuss what ‘active listening’ means, and how it can help to experience a sense of belonging in educational settings and the private sphere. Aleksandr also introduces different techniques that could help to adopt ‘active listening’. 

What is ESSB podcast episodes?

Bij Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) wordt veel onderzoek gedaan naar maatschappelijke en gedragswetenschappelijke vraagstukken. Door middel van deze podcast serie maken we deze kennis toegankelijk voor geïnteresseerde burgers, bestuurders, professionals, studenten en collega onderzoekers.
De diversiteit van de faculteit reflecteert zich in de varieteit aan onderwerpen die op deze podcast serie te vinden is.
[incl DPECS Podcast serie met verhalen over wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen bij psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen)

At Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) a lot of research is done on social and behavioral science issues. This podcast series makes this knowledge accessible to interested citizens, administrators, professionals, students, and fellow researchers.