Ḥoni's Circle

We are putting out this episode on the tail-end of Sukkot and wrapping up our 5785 High Holiday season by looking at the phrase "sukkat shelomecha" or "sukkah of peace" taken from the Hashkiveinu prayer recited in the evening. We discuss how the metaphor of a sukkah of peace can be seen in opposite ways, one that the environment surrounding the sukkah must be peaceful, safe, and stable to have a sukkah of peace, or that the sukkah can provide peace however the environment is on the outside. We also discuss sukkot being a holiday during which we become much more aware of our surrounding climate, and how sukkot reminds us of our refugee history and current-day climate refugees. Follow along with the source sheet: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/518548

What is Ḥoni's Circle?

Ḥoni's Circle is a climate chevruta (partner text study), In which Rabbi Paula Rose and Tamar Libicki explore Jewish texts from the Torah, the Talmud, and Commentaries to grapple with climate change. Rabbi Paula Rose is the associate Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom in Seattle, Washington. This Podcast is a project of Congregation Beth Shalom and Ahavat V'Avodat HaAdama, our community's environmental group.