We Are Ankeny

We know students have different learning styles, so in this episode, we're shining a light on project-based learning (PBL). Our guests include Jason Clark, a teacher at Ankeny Centennial High School. He's adopted PBL as his method of teaching. Hannah Robertson is a Des Moines Area consultant on PBL and a recent instructor at Ankeny's summer teacher academy and Dr. Amy Dittmar, Assistant Superintendent of Ankeny Schools. She leads the planning team for Ankeny School's new Innovative Hub. You'll find this and many other Let's Talk about It topics on the We Are Ankeny podcast channel found at www.ankenyschools.org , Apple podcasts, Spotify podcasts, Amazon Music, and Audible podcasts

What is We Are Ankeny?

Let's talk about... Ankeny Community School District!
Superintendent, Dr. Erick Pruitt is your host as he talks about all things Ankeny Schools with staff, students and community members.