First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
August 25, 2024 
AUGUST 2024 
August 4 - 31, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Teacher 
Together . . . in Power! 
Ephesians 5:18-6:20 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for August 2024: Together! 
EPHESIANS: This letter was written by Paul from prison in Rome to the church in Ephesus and was intended to be a circular letter for all of the churches in the region. It offers a panoramic view of God’s plan to “bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ” (1:10). The letter is filled with praise for the Messiah and revelation (mystery) about God’s miraculous work through Him. Thus, Ephesians is known for its High Christology. 
Ephesians is also marked by its High Ecclesiology. Paul points his readers to the truths about the identity and realities of the Church that God intended. This new creation (the Church) is the new Temple where heaven and earth converge and the new humanity, comprised of both Jews and Gentiles reside. God is now present in this new creation and on display through this new humanity. He will display His wisdom to the heavenly powers and blanket the earth with His glory and knowledge through the Church (Ephesians 2-3). 
The Church is uniquely equipped for this grand task to live circumspect lives amidst their neighbors as testimonies to what God is doing. He will equip the Church through the presence and power of His Spirit to fulfill this role to His glory (Ephesians 5-6). 
Satan will not take all of this lying down! He will oppose the work of God on every hand. Consequently, we must be clothed with power from on High to live as the Messiah’s people in every arena of our lives! 
Remarkably, the union of heaven and earth, the miracle of the new humanity is to actually be on display in our homes! We are to reflect the glory of God in and through our marriages. God created the institution of marriage (Genesis 1-2). He uses the imagery of marriage to convey His relationship with Israel in the Old Testament. Every Christian marriage is intended to be a reflection of the relationship that Christ has with His Church. “Tinker with it at your own peril” (N.T. Wright). 
Christians are to be marked by mutual submission as one sign of being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-21). 
A Christian home is characterized by an appropriate level of order and clarity. Marriage is a heaven/earth partnership between a man and a woman, each participating in the partnership willingly and lovingly as unto Christ. Men and women are different, uniquely designed by God (Genesis 1:26-28) and both created in His image. Marriage is not just a partnership intended for mutual fulfillment (though this does happen), it is intended to be a reflection of the mystery of the union of Christ and His Church! Non-Christians should gaze at Christian marriages with wonder, curiosity, and amazement!

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