
We got the opportunity to talk to Professor Arjen Wals from Netherlands. We reflect about innovation and transition as basic components in our Western world, and we talk about how the universities can get sustainability more into their DNA.

Show Notes

Some keywords from the conversation:

Innovation can destroy the world.
The last decade we have added “Responsible” to innovation. We need a more fundamental shift…
Unnovation -  the way to real sustainable innovation?
We can’t just optimize the systems. We need a transition away from the expansion-growth-thinking.
Do we use the word “rethink” too easy?
How should HVL get sustainability into the DNA?
What do we do with the contradictions, like flying to participate in conferences, meetings and giving presentations? Is our ecological “handprint” higher than our ecological “footprint”?
Also statistics and mathematics are important topics. For instance they enable us to understand the UN IPCC reports.
We need to make things more complicated rather than more simplified. There are no easy answers.


Arjen has a main position as Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University. 
He is also Adjunct Professor at NMBU (Norges Miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet) in the area of Whole Institution Approaches to sustainability. In addition he is a Adjunct Professor at the BarnKUNNE center at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).
He is UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. 

Read more about Arjen Wals:

Video-lecture by Arjen Wals:

Blog by Arjen Wals:

Creators & Guests

Siri Smith
Siri works as Climate and Sustainability Coordinator at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Kjartan Lerøy Grønhaug
Kjartan works as technician at Medielab at Høgskulen på Vestlandet and produces the good sound when we make the episodes in studio.

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