Elm City Vineyard Church Talks

God heals broken bodies. God heals troubling thoughts. But what about hearts? Broken hearts are not just the stuff of junior high drama. A broken heart steals our joy, robs our peace, and leads us to numbness. God isn’t only invested in our spiritual lives. God is invested in healing our hearts and emotions. We can ask God for full hearts in order to receive deep healing in our very emotional lives. God is near to the brokenhearted, he saves those crushed in Spirit. Learn and experience more this Sunday.

- Series Description - 
God heals. We see this in scripture. Jesus performs miracles and then his disciples do the same work of healing people from sickness and setting people free from dark forces. We see this in church history. Saints do healing work and communities rejoice. Hundreds of years later, do we see God’s healing in our lives? In our community? This Fall, we’re going to look at who Jesus is as a healer, but also what it means that God forms healing communities in and through us. This is not merely about physical healing though we’ll learn how that, too, is a powerful sign of the Kingdom. This is healing for our minds, emotions, our cities, and our worlds. If you are tired of sickness and eager for health, check out this entire series and ask God for more healing in your life, in our church, and in the world.

Creators & Guests

Josh Williams

What is Elm City Vineyard Church Talks?

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.