Becoming a Solo Founder - NodleStudios

The world is a strange place right now and its honestly been a bit difficult to do more than the "normal things" of life the past week or so. This episode covers a few things that happened over the last week or so from the Maker, Marketer, Business side of things at NodleStudios.

Show Notes

The world is a strange place right now. Work continues almost normally, although I worked from home the entire week this week instead of the normal 2 days at home and 2 days in the office.

As the US has been bracing for the impact of Covid-19 a number of things changed over the past week.
  • My families farm is trying to understand how things might change as we head towards an earlier than normal PYO strawberry season.
  • My church had our spring revivals from mid last week till mid this week. Virginia banned large groups, so we pretty quickly had to switch these services to "over the phone."
Maker & Marketer Update
  • I basically did nothing over the past week on the maker front. I did try one thing so that I could reply to an issue on the Livewire Github. That ultimately led to me making a change for my production GoSelva app, but it was just a tiny thing.
  • My week was extra busy with running the church services via phone in the evenings, but its also been difficult to focus on "extra things" in the "free times" that I do have.
Business Update
  • I did pick up a side project at the end of last week. I think it'll continue, but I should probably double check.
  • I'm also working on a simple website for some friends of mine who run a small restaurant. Hoping to build that out today or tomorrow.
Honestly its been a strange week and there are moments where I’m questioning everything that I’ve decided about this journey. Maybe now isn’t the time to be trying to go out on my own. Maybe I won’t be able to travel across the US in a van later this year… I guess time will tell.

That's pretty much it for this week friends. Thanks for listening and don't forget to be a little extra kind to everyone online and in real life... oh and stay safe!

What is Becoming a Solo Founder - NodleStudios?

A weekly (or biweekly) recap type podcast where I'll talk about what I've done over the past week or so as I continue on the journey towards being a solo founder. Hopefully the kind of solo founder who can eventually support himself.