The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast

Hope you and your athletes are setting some killer PRs and making gains! If not, all good, growth is rarely linear! I try to remind myself of that often!
Quick thing for today’s blog—I've been working on some new features for Training Tilt simultaneously and the context switching has started to mess with my mind and slowed my progress on all of them!
I’ve been dragging my feet so I need your help deciding which one to focus on and get over the line first.
Hit me up in the chat box, with your vote or even better create an account over on our roadmap tool and add your vote there.

The Contenders:

1. Performance Management Chart 📈

This one's all about Fitness, Fatigue, and Form. It’s now broadly accepted that these metrics are not 100% perfect for many reasons but with the right skills, experience and intuition can help coaches make better decisions.
Check it out and vote in our Roadmap

2. Conversations Feature 🗨️

Imagine a place within Training Tilt where you can text, send audio, or video messages to your athletes. You can even drag and drop content from your library right into the chat, including planned and completed workouts and charts.
Check it out and vote in our Roadmap

3. Structured Strength & Conditioning Workouts 💪

No screenshots to show for this one just yet!
A way for you to prescribe S&C workouts in a structured format, making it similar to the current workout builder. No more typing long instructions about exercises, sets and reps into the instructions field.

Check it out and vote in our Roadmap

What's Next?
Here's how you can help, you can do one, the other or both:
  1. Use the chat box on this page and let me know the option you're most excited about and why. Your 'why' is super important to me!
  2. Vote and comment on our Roadmap tool. Even if you're not a coach on Training Tilt, your opinion is valuable.
Your feedback will decide which feature gets my full attention to cross the finish line first.

You can read the full blog post here

Which Feature Should I Work On?

or watch the video version on Youtube

Sign up for a free trial of our coaching platform at

Training Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here 

Creators & Guests

Cam Langsford @ Training Tilt
Founder of @trainingtilt Auckland, New Zealand

What is The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast?

Short actionable tips to help create, manage or grow a running, triathlon or endurance sports coaching business online