The Divine Life of Sai Baba

'Baba Saves Jyotindra’s Life in a Cloudburst' is the 51st story in this series.

'Sai Baba's Divine Leelas' is a new audio series compiled and recited by Dr Vinny Chitluri. Repeated hearing of these Leelas will deepen one's faith and love in Baba.

When you enter Shirdi from Kopergaon, you cross a small bridge that spans a small rivulet. Now it is known as Lakshmi Nagar. This rivulet is dry most of the year, but in the monsoons, it is filled with water. In those days, there were no proper sanitation or toilet facilities. The villagers and devotees used the place as a toilet. They went there before dawn as the traffic was light on the road above.

On one occasion, Jyotindra was in Shirdi during the monsoons. It was his habit to go to the rivulet very early, then go to his room, have a bath and then attend Kakad Aarti. It was drizzling, and as he went out, he took an umbrella and a flashlight. A while later, he heard a man shouting on the other bank of the stream, “Londha alare ala, pala” (A torrent of water is headed this way. Now run to safety).

Jyotindra did not understand the meaning of Londha, as he did know the colloquial dialect. However, he heard the urgency in the man’s tone and his warning to run to safety. He stood there and flashed the light to see what was happening. What he saw frightened him. A huge wall of black coloured water was descending upon him. It was death staring at him, for he would surely drown and die. He closed his eyes and beseeched Baba to save him from the watery grave. He said, “Baba melo me, mala wachava” (Baba, I am going to die, save me.)

After some time he realised that he was alive, and not washed away. He opened his eyes to find that the water had disappeared and he was standing on dry land. Whereas on either side the water was raging. Along with its fury, many dead goats, snakes and branches of trees flowed by. While this was happening, he was continuously chanting Baba’s name. He knew that only Baba’s grace had saved him, so he mentally thanked Baba. Jyotindra waited for the water to recede and when it was about knee high, he slowly waded through it and came to his room.

Upon reaching his room he told his mother what had happened. His mother heard what he said with great disbelief, but she knew who his saviour was. She told him to go immediately and thank Baba.

Jyotindra, with puja materials and a heart bursting with gratitude, went to the Dwarka Mai. He had hardly climbed the steps leading to the sanctum sanctorum, when Baba said, “Arre Bhau, today before dawn, why were you yelling my name for help? Are you frightened of death?” Jyotindra held Baba’s feet tightly and said, “Baba, you are an Antaryami, and for an ordinary man like me, death is frightening. In a situation like this, you are my only refuge, so I shouted for help.” Baba replied, “Bhau, get up. Arre, do I pull you to Shirdi so you can die? You are not going to die so easily. You still have a lot of work to do.”

This Leela was taken from Shri Sai Swanubhav Tarkhadanche.

Show Notes

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.