Unshaken Reign

We are royal daughters equipped for reigning and battle, and more than conquerors…but what about the days when our biggest battle is laundry? Or getting kids to eat entire meals before wandering off? As moms and wives and awesome women…sometimes our days “just” look like taking care of kids and homes and watching Parks and Rec in the evenings with our husbands. How do we “reign” on these days, when we feel like we aren’t making an impact?

And what if these simple at home days are your life and you LOVE it? Do you ever feel disqualified from the warrior momma term because you don’t have big hopes and dreams right now beyond momming the heck out of your home? You are called to reign, momma - not matter where, no matter how your life looks right now.

Show Notes

We are royal daughters equipped for reigning and battle, and more than conquerors…but what about the days when our biggest battle is laundry? Or getting kids to eat entire meals before wandering off? As moms and wives and awesome women…sometimes our days “just” look like taking care of kids and homes and watching Parks and Rec in the evenings with our husbands. How do we “reign” on these days, when we feel like we aren’t making an impact?

And what if these simple at home days are your life and you LOVE it? Do you ever feel disqualified from the warrior momma term because you don’t have big hopes and dreams right now beyond momming the heck out of your home? You are called to reign, momma - not matter where, no matter how your life looks right now.

Be sure to download your free PDF Silence the Haters: Your Launch Guide to Shushing the Thought-Bullies in Your Head.

Episode 7 Webpage

What is Unshaken Reign?

If you are tired of feeling tossed around by the busyness and heaviness of life, if you’ve had enough of the that sneaking suspicion that you just aren’t good enough - good enough for your kids, your husband, your friends, or your to-do list. If you want to be done with feeling rushed around from one have-to to the next, then I want to invite you in to Unshaken Reign.

Because frantic, frazzled and pushed around by life’s worries and trials and fears - thats not who you are sister - and you don’t have to put up with it anymore!

You are a daughter of God. That means you are royalty. You are uniquely positioned to spread hope and peace here on earth.

Listen, I know that this life is full of twists and turns and disappointments. I know that the heartache can feel absolutely crushing. I’ve totally been there. But that is not what we are defined by - I’m done with that place, and you can be too.

So come find freedom from the heaviness. Get immersed in the truth of who you are and discover the practical tools you have available to you, so that you can stand steady in the face of life’s uncertainties.

You are more than a conqueror my friend. You totally rule.