Pneuma by Daniel Finneran

Food, shelter, and clothing--these are the fundamental needs without which we can't long live, the biologic claims on us to which we can't be inattentive (lest we cease to exist!)

We all know this to be true, but these things quickly become, once we detach ourselves from the modest demands of nature, ostentatious treasures, immoderate indulgences to which we become lost.

Let's think about these basic needs and the the ways in which they become perverted into sumptuous feasts, capacious dwellings, and expensive, fashionable clothes.

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What is Pneuma by Daniel Finneran?

Mindfulness for the Thinking Mind.

A soothing, soporific voice with which to calm and center yourself.

Episodes on themes as diverse as walking, sleeping, stretching, anxiety, worldly possessions, positive affirmations, lunch hours, and morning commutes. Meditations and sleep stories for every occasion at any stage of life.

From Shakespeare to the Stoics, Coleridge to the Platonists, the Buddha to the Transcendentalists, we'll borrow our wisdom from the best who have ever thought, and strengthen our minds with their collective genius.

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