Gaming the System

In this episode of the Game Quitters Podcast, Jason and special guest Jared share about their experience completing the 90 Day Detox, including challenges they had to overcome, strategies that helped them be successful, and other tips and tactics you can use to be successful on your journey to quit gaming for 90 days. If you like the episode, please share it on social media and subscribe for a new episode every Thursday!

Show notes for the podcast are available here:

Show Notes

In this episode of the Game Quitters Podcast, Jason and special guest Jared share about their experience completing the 90 Day Detox, including challenges they had to overcome, strategies that helped them be successful, and other tips and tactics you can use to be successful on your journey to quit gaming for 90 days. If you like the episode, please share it on social media and subscribe for a new episode every Thursday! Show notes for the podcast are available here:

What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.