Woodside Bible Church Troy

As we turn to 1 John 5:13-15, Pastor John Jelinek helps us discover that disciples can be confident that God both hears and answers our prayers. Together, we'll be challenged and encouraged by the Truth in this important passage of Scripture. So listen with us in our newest summer series message, Prayer: The God Who Hears, to understand that believers can be confident that God hears their prayers when they delight themselves in pursuing His will above their own will.

Show Notes

The Big Idea: Disciples can be confident that God both hears and answers our prayers.
Point 1: We have confidence in God's acceptance of our prayers because we are in Jesus' care.
Point 2: We have confidence in God hearing our prayers when our main concern is His will.
Point 3: We have confidence in the outcome of our prayers because God gives only good.

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