The VO Life

How much processing are you doing?  It really depends... is it an audition or a finished delivery?  Are you expected to do ANYTHING to your files at all?  Are you OVERPROCESSING?  I'm no audio engineer but having worked with many and delivering well over 10,000 files the past few years PLUS I have stayed at a Holiday Inn...I think some of you are OVER PROCESSING your auditions and taking way too much time... and worrying about things that don't matter! 

Creators & Guests

Troy Holden
Troy is a voice over artist and voice actor

What is The VO Life?

2020 brought a slew of new VO artists to the table and many will try to climb the ladder to success. I started the Ladder with Will to help those climbing... and although we've parted ways the ladder is still a part of the journey to living THE VO LIFE... so those episodes are still up and relevant. Catch up on all of the OLD podcasts from the ladder before they are gone and for now, catch the new VO LIFE episodes here or on other feeds!