Finneran's Wake

"War is simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means". Those last two words, "other means", have always left me feeling somewhat uneasy. Is it not, after all, a kind of euphemism, a gentle phrase more agreeable to sensitive ears, behind which all the horrors of war--all the carnage, bloodshed, conquest, death, and loss--are too neatly concealed? Perhaps. But we mustn't forget, war is nothing more than a instrument of policy. An especially lethal one, it may well be, but it's an instrument nonetheless.

What is Finneran's Wake?

Finneran’s Wake – where the ART OF CONVERSATION lives.

Here, no topic is untouchable, no idea inadmissible, and no one too heretical to be heard.

As the great French essayist Montaigne once said, “To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our minds is CONVERSATION. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives”.

It certainly is the most delightful activity in my life. I want it to be so in yours as well.

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With affection,