Relentless Pursuit

Relentless Pursuit Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

Equity as a Remedy: A conversation with Marquisa Wince, Esq., Executive Director of the Arkansas Appleseed Legal Justice Center

Tune into The Relentless Pursuit Podcast, where Arkansans have justice-centered dialogue to promote the pursuit of equity in The Natural State and beyond. On this episode, we’re talking with Marquisa Wince, Esq., Executive Director of the Arkansas Appleseed Legal Justice Center about her journey from the Upper Midwest to the Deep South to activate justice through the field of law.

What is Relentless Pursuit?

Welcome to the Relentless Pursuit podcast, a Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation creative collaboration with artist-activist Crystal C. Mercer. With a soulful and vibrant approach, this podcast will showcase the stories of Arkansans striving for equity and championing ALICE – those who are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed.