Sex, Drugs & Enlightenment

In this follow up session with her client from a previous episode, Oakley marvels at the efficacy of the neuro-linguistic reprogramming practice she calls North Star Visualization. Her client shares the life-changing effects of this tool as it has propelled her towards a more intuitive, fulfilling life. Check out episode five “North Star Visualization: Accessing Our Internal GPS” to hear more of her journey.

Show Notes

There’s nothing sweeter for a therapist than witnessing how the mindfulness tools offered in sessions bring freedom and transformation for their clients. Oakley listens in awe as her client recounts how visualizing the life she wants on a daily basis has brought necessary change for embodying her dreams. A relationship that was not in alignment naturally ended. She booked a trip she didn’t think would happen this year. Now she’s visiting Europe with the prospect of leaving her job and starting over somewhere new. All of this momentum was created by clearing out mental and emotional baggage and focusing her energy on her future. 

As they celebrate these positive shifts, Oakley’s client opens up about her fear and anxiety about making big changes, even though they support her vision for herself. But Oakley assures her this anxiety is a good sign that she’s on the right path towards leveling up. Whenever we step out of our comfort zone towards change, our bodies’ survival instincts kick in. The familiar makes us feel in control and safe. We question ourselves, asking “Am I sure?” There is a difference between intuition anxiety and excitement anxiety. As always, Oakley offers practical tools such as breathwork for calming the body, which helps us navigate between the two. Once the mind is calm, it becomes easier to listen to our intuition. When we make the decision to take a giant leap, sometimes the biggest hurdle is overcoming the doubt and fear that threaten to stifle our creative flowering. 

Main Topics
  • How the North Star Visualization practice transformed Oakley’s client’s life (01:17)
  • Addressing fear and doubt that arise when we set a goal (08:20)
  • Surrendering to the momentum may feel unstable at first (12:05)
  • Releasing anxiety in order to make decisions (16:20)
  • Defining stability and its relationship to our need for control (19:30)
  • Primal anxiety vs. excitement anxiety (29:00)
  • Box breathing to calm the body and get more clarity (33:25)

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What is Sex, Drugs & Enlightenment?

Welcome to Sex Drugs & Enlightenment where we open the door and take down the walls of the therapy office—to gain tools, insights, support, and the experience of being heard and connected within the 21st century.

Hi, I’m Oakley Ogden, a psychotherapist and licensed counselor with over 17 years of experience working with young adults. In this podcast I unpack the profane with my guests to recognize how the tough stuff is the sacred stuff.

Join us as we explore it all—the taboo topics and otherwise, nothing is off limits. In this space of safety and love, let’s work it out and learn how we can all build resilience and strength of character to make each day count as we live our best life…and have fun doing it.