Retirement Answer Man

Retirement Answer Man Trailer Bonus Episode 581 Season 1

What Life Expectancy Should I Use in My Retirement Plan?

What Life Expectancy Should I Use in My Retirement Plan?What Life Expectancy Should I Use in My Retirement Plan?

💬 Show Notes

In this episode, Roger Whitney tackles the critical question of life expectancy in retirement planning. With statistics from the CDC, he guides listeners through the complexities of determining how long they should plan for their retirement. Roger addresses the cognitive bias known as the "curse of knowledge," providing clarity on how to approach life expectancy assumptions. He also shares insights on the importance of using personalized data rather than general averages, and discusses practical tools for assessing longevity. Tune in for valuable advice that can help you plan confidently for your future!

  • (00:00) What life expectancy should you use in your retirement plan?
  • (00:39) We have a change happening to our Six Shot Saturday email.
  • (02:18) Roger discusses the concept of ‘The Curse of Knowledge.’
  • (03:38) Listener, D.S., sends in a question about life expectancy in retirement.
  • (05:58) Roger discusses how to interpret the data from the Social Security Administration life expectancy calculator.
  • (9:30)  Roger uses age 92 for a male and 94 for a female for a base assumption in retirement planning.

  • (11:26) Thrift savings plans will allow Roth conversion starting in 2026.
  • (12:13) Karen asks about the pie-cake and the purpose of a 6 month emergency fund.
  • (15:35) Karen asks a second question about suggestions for saving vehicles that are not US treasury bonds.
  • (17:27) Evan asks “How does a pension figure into a net worth statement?”
  • (22:00) Gene asks how to look at the total allocation of your retirement portfolio.
  • (25:00) Roger reads feedback from listener Scott about last week’s episode.

  • (27:01) Scott has been helping federal employees think through their retirement plans.

  • (30:42) In the next seven days, revisit the age you are going to use in your retirement plan.

  • (31:12) Roger reads an entry from his grandfather’s WWII journal.


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What is Retirement Answer Man?

A top retirement podcast. Roger Whitney, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA, guides you on how to actually do retirement well financially and personally. This retirement podcast isn't afraid to talk about the softer side of retirement. It will teach you how to retire with confidence. Two-time PLUTUS winner for best retirement podcast / blog and the 2019 winner for best financial planner blog. This retirement podcast covers how to create a paycheck, medicare, healthcare, Social Security, tax management in retirement as well as retirement travel and other non-financial issues you'll need to address to rock retirement. Retirement isn’t an age OR a financial number. It’s finding that balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement. It’s about gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want. Join the rock retirement community at