In the Pit with Cody Schneider | Marketing | Growth | Startups

Just had a conversation with this dude named Michael. He's young but already building some crazy. 

Like, he created this tool that finds calendar links and schedules meetings automatically. Scheduled like a 1,000+ calls in a day by guessing their calendar usernames. Degenerate.

 He's also building this AI that can have conversations with people and it sounds freakishly human. Slightly terrified.

Best part, there's this whole community of young, self-taught builders like him who are just crushing it. They're all hanging out in these underground hackathon servers and Discord channels. New world.

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  • (00:07:54) Michael used a clever hack to schedule meetings with high-profile individuals by finding their calendar scheduling links and reaching out to them directly.
  • (00:17:40) Hackathon discord servers and communities like Buildspace, TKS, and Z-Fellows are great places to find young, self-taught builders and creators.
  • (00:21:42) is a tool that generates short videos with voiceovers, background music, and related images, making it easy to create content for platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
  • (00:30:06) The social media landscape is shifting towards a rapid-fire approach, where consistently posting content, even if it's not high-quality, can lead to growth and engagement.
  • (00:39:32) The algorithmic changes in platforms like TikTok and YouTube prioritize content that keeps users engaged and fulfilled, leading to potential viral growth for creators.
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What is In the Pit with Cody Schneider | Marketing | Growth | Startups?

In the Pit shares what founders and marketers are seeing from the front lines. Join host Cody Schneider for personal brain dumps and conversations with business leaders to learn the strategies and tactics being used to acquire first customers, scale growth, and build thoroughbred marketing organizations. Listen down. Level up.