Security Download

Today’s guest is a driver of transformation and revenue-generator. He has over 15 years of progressive product-management leadership experience with technology organizations. He is a speaker and the host of the podcast, Startup Lantern. Please welcome to the show, Druce MacFarlane. Druce is the Head of Products - Security, Threat Intelligence and Analytics at Infoblox, and he joins the host Anna Redmond to talk about how cybersecurity and physical security need to work together to better compliment each other.

  • When it comes to physical and cyber security, there really isn’t a good intersection between the two. This is a huge mistake because you can have the best firewalls but if you aren’t guarding your office doors, anyone can walk in and ruin the system.
  • With the way Wi-Fi networks work, everyone assumes that it is locked down and secure but if there is somebody with the right software they could get into your network and cause major havoc on your system.
  • Brokerage firms are a prime target for a security hack due to the high dollar transactions that go through their systems. 
  • Email was never designed to be a secure form of communication. If there is anything sensitive at all, you shouldn’t send it out through an email.
  • If a security guard works at the same office everyday, they would be able to notice if something is off with an unknown person coming in with a laptop and could alert the right people to the situation.
  • In order to cut down on any potential security risks, it’s important to notice if an employee’s credentials are being used to access the system and then match it up with the location of the request to see if it matches where the employee is.
  • Out of everyone in the company, the CFO is the most likely target for someone trying to get information out of the company as they would know more about the company than anyone else. 

Quote of the Show:
32:01 “There's physical security, there's cyber security, I consider this to be job security,”


Ways to Tune In:

Security Download is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at

Creators & Guests

Anna Redmond
Host of Security Download, Founder at Braav

What is Security Download?

Welcome to the new age of security.

In this weekly podcast Anna Redmond, the Founder of Braav shares the latest security trends and what others are seeing in this ever-growing space. Whether it’s customer service technology to help you hire security you trust when you need them, or having transparency in a system, you’ll learn all about security in the 21st century.