Q&R Podcast

Last month on the Q&R Podcast, we tackled one of the loudest narratives in our culture: this idea of my truth vs. your truth. In Episode 4, we aim to build on that by engaging the question “Aren’t all religions the same?”

In recent years, our culture has moved away from organized religion, and this question is getting asked more frequently. As we’ll learn, part of the problem is that many people are not familiar with what the world’s holy books actually have to say.

In this episode, we attempt to uncover the truth, while embodying a posture of curiosity. We start by unpacking what unites all religions before moving on to where they divide, and specifically how the case for Christianity stacks up against other faith traditions.

0:00 - 1:02 - Intro
1:02 - 8:25 - The pulse of our culture
8:25 - 14:26 - The similarities between religions
14:26 - 20:11 - The differences between religions
20:11 - 36:02 - Breaking downs claims of religions
36:02 - 42:01 - Can you mix and match religions?
42:01 - 46:20 - Is Christianity exclusive?
46:20 - 50:31 - Is there evidence that suggests Christianity is true?
50:31 - 54:40 Interacting with people of different religions

Surprised by Hope by NT Wright: https://shorturl.at/mW0Oa
The Resurrection of the Son of God by NT Wright: https://shorturl.at/uKe58

At Redeemer LSQ, we values questions and the people who ask them. We will always be a place where skeptics are welcome. We believe that questions lead to dialogue, dialogue fosters relationships, and relationships create community. So we won't be shy about tackling anything on this podcast. If you have a question you'd like to us to tackle on this podcast, fill out the form on this page and we'll review it: https://rb.gy/1p5hlj

What is Q&R Podcast?

We’re so excited to officially launch something we’ve been working on the last few months behind the scenes — a long-form Question and Response (Q&R) Podcast! At Redeemer Lincoln Square, we value questions and the people who ask them because questions lead to dialogue, dialogue fosters relationships, and relationships create community. So in that sense, this project is a natural progression of this missional value.
We will be releasing one episode per month and no question will be off-limits.