Business Design

Inspiring Briar Dougherty is a career coach, versatile executive, advisor, and founder of CareerOrganic. She helps individuals create high-return brand narratives, career growth strategies, and interview prep. Briar guides professionals around the globe to find the intention to shape a better future because she strongly believes in empowering others and spreading the empowerment to create a better world. As a cancer survivor, she changed her life completely and organically. As an overachiever from a young age, she found a calm and organic core in herself, and now she helps others find it too.

Show Notes

🤩 Briar’s beautiful and earthy background. 01:21
😇 She hated her name when she was a kid, but loves it as an adult. 02:45
🏫 School days where no one pronounced her first nor last name correctly. 03:57
🎗️ Thyroid cancer diagnosis came when her baby boy was one, and all the changes she has implemented in her life since. 06:38
🌱 Her meaning of organic: “Everybody has this raw opportunity inside of them.” 08:45
🖌️ From a young age, Briar loved creating cards, ceramics, writing, and storytelling. 10:47
🌞 She was an old soul with a very clear vision of what she wanted to be. 12:39
🎯 Briar’s amazing career aspect is making people listen to her plus her inner awareness creates a unique position for her to coach. 14:11
🌺 Naturally gravitated to helping people grow and now enjoying changing the course of her client’s trajectory.16:33
😎 Program that helps professionals and students with the accessible price point and growing group coaching 19:50
👉 Briar works with people who don't make excuses. 22:25

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💡 Screw Harvard, go to Crazy MBA:

What is Business Design ?

We talk to quirky, brilliant, successful folks who are able to smarten business down, sharing insights on great business design.

Guests are all thought leaders in their own niche, and we challenge them to speak outside of talking points, which ultimately should make for a few interesting minutes of listening.

Design your business for success, with a few thoughts from those who have been there.