RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

What is the importance of self-care? Self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in your life. It's about taking the time to rest, recharge, and nurture yourself in mind, body, and soul. In today's episode, find out the methods of practicing self-care that will allow you to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your overall well-being. Learn why self-care is not selfish, but a self-full and vital practice for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health. Listen as Kamini breaks down how self-care can equip you with the resilience you need to maintain better relationships, make sound decisions, avoid burnout, and enhance your capacity to support and uplift others.

For more information and resources to continue your growth journey, visit Kaminiwood.com.

RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way is edited and produced by Earfluence.

What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly