Gaming Street Irregulars

Trading stories with a friend, nothing better than that!

Show Notes

We're hoping to make this a reoccurring episode format, because sometimes we want to cool down on the heavy research and just have a good time talking to a friend. Seth was gracious enough to join us and kick off the series, as we trade tales of tabletop RPG experiences, trying to remember arcade games of our youth, and more! Stay awhile and listen!

What is Gaming Street Irregulars?

From the company that brought you Flower City Comic Con and the Monkey Business Podcast comes... something they didn't ask for, but got anyway. Krissi Harding and James Irish present Gaming Street Irregulars, an all-encompassing kaleidoscope of gaming experiences. Whether new or old, digital or tabletop, traditional or esoteric, if it's a game, you'll probably find it here!