Seton Reflections

Seton Reflections Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 1

Giving Our Hearts to God with St. Anne and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Giving Our Hearts to God with St. Anne and St. Elizabeth Ann SetonGiving Our Hearts to God with St. Anne and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Throughout their lives, St. Anne and Mother Seton had little idea of the glorious destiny God had in mind for them. They show us how to be faithful to God in all things, and to trust in his perfect plan for our lives.

What is Seton Reflections?

Seton Reflections connects real life stories and wisdom of Mother Seton with the Saints, a holy feast day, or a timely topic. Our hope is that you might find encouragement through these brief reflections. You can read these reflections at or subscribe to these weekly emails and get them sent directly to your mailbox.