Good Shepherding

Audio from our 2023 Shepherds Conference: Hope in God: Bearing the Burden of Ministry. Session 2, "I alone am left" (1 Kings 19:1-18) by Pastor Joseph Bayly. October 5, 2023.

SESSION 2 | "I alone am left" (1 Kings 19:1-18)
Rev. Joseph Bayly
Sometimes a pastor comes to believe he's alone in his faithfulness, and his work seems futile. The prophet Elijah got to this point, but God corrected and strengthened Him. The pastor receives the same loving correction from God.

Pastor Joseph Bayly and his wife, Heidi, have six children: Tate, Eliza Jane, Moses, Fiona, Annabel, and Peter. He graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in computer science and Ancient Mediterranean studies. He then studied at New Geneva Academy, graduating in 2008. In 2009 he moved with his family to Indianapolis and planted Clearnote Church, Indianapolis with David Abu-Sara. In 2015 he moved his family to Cincinnati, together with several others, to plant Christ Church.

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What is Good Shepherding ?

A podcast from New Geneva Academy about faithfulness in the work of shepherding Christ’s flock, geared toward current and aspiring church officers.