
This month Jonny Virgo, Pearl Wise and Jessie Lawson are joined by Roxi Jahanshani and Asma Shah from You Make It an organisation enabling young unemployed women to pursue their goals, influential transmedia creator and CEO of story gaming platform Conducttr Rob Pratten and and cross-media artist SG Milner ahead of his The Night Is Over, Applaud exhibition. New contributor Celia Robbins takes us on The Ancestors Trail in Epping Forest and Jessie investigates why ‘that time of the month’ is still taboo.

Show Notes

This month Jonny Virgo, Pearl Wise and Jessie Lawson are joined by Roxi Jahanshani and Asma Shah from You Make It an organisation enabling young unemployed women to pursue their goals, influential transmedia creator and CEO of story gaming platform Conducttr Rob Pratten and and cross-media artist SG Milner ahead of his The Night Is Over, Applaud exhibition. New contributor Celia Robbins takes us on The Ancestors Trail in Epping Forest and Jessie investigates why ‘that time of the month’ is still taboo.

What is EastCast?

EastCast is a forecast you can rely on for everything arts, culture and community related in East London.