Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif

In this lesson, Shaykh Dr. Ahsan Hanif uncovers the truth behind the idolaters' superstitions as described in Surah Al-An'am, verses 138-141. He explains how these idolators invented false prohibitions such as the Bahirah, Sa'ibah, Wasilah, and Ham—cattle types they wrongly deemed sacred or forbidden. He discusses their unjust practices, like excluding female cattle from their benefits and even burying their daughters out of fear and shame. 

This episode reveals how Shaytan deceived them into believing these acts were pious. Shaykh Ahsan clarifies how these actions were influenced by Shaytan, leading people to invent false rules and stray from Allah’s true guidance. This lesson reminds us of absolute authority and wisdom of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ, as He alone determines lawful and unlawful.

What is Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif?

Have you always had a deep desire to understand the true meaning of the glorious Qur'an? Now you have the opportunity to do exactly this and understand the Qur’an page by page.