The AP Strange Show

The AP Strange Show Trailer Bonus Episode 21 Season 1

Exploring Other Dimensions with Solomon Pakal

Exploring Other Dimensions with Solomon PakalExploring Other Dimensions with Solomon Pakal

Solomon Pakal joins AP this week for a far-ranging discussion of occult concepts and strange phenomena, with a focus on Meso America and the Maya roots of ideas still prevalent today. Solomon is a historian, a practitioner of magic, an author, and just generally an amazingly knowledgable researcher and seeker after mystical truths. 
He talks a bit about his story, his lineage of Guatemalan brujeria and upbringing in Washington, D.C. and how they informed his studies in the ancient practices and history of Maya. He breaks down a lot of misconceptions, the complicated effects of colonization and how it changes the magic and phenomena in the region, and provides examples of entities regularly reported (and sometimes filmed!) throughout Central America. 
Solomon's work is important and much needed, because as discussed in this episode narratives such as Mayan Calendar doomsday prophecies and how the culture is misrepresented in shows such as Ancient Aliens. 
It was a fascinating conversation that went in a lot of directions, and listeners are encouraged to check out Solomon's work elsewhere!

What is The AP Strange Show?

A show about Weird Stuff, hosted by AP Strange. AP interviews cool weirdos about their work, and invites friends on to discuss second sequels in franchises in a series called "Third Time's the Charm". Other fun surprises await...