Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter

Just one photo can tell an entire story about someone or some place. Knowing how to capture that vibe is what Nathan Lindstrom does best.

Show Notes

Nathan wins awards for his work.  But the best rewards he says, come from his clients experiencing what he does every day.  You've got to have the equipment, no doubt.  It's more about how you know how to use it.  Nathan has that figured out.

What is Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter?

Ad Speaks Houston takes you behind the scenes with the people and programs that make the American Advertising Federation - Houston Chapter (AAF-Houston) one of the top Ad Clubs in the country. Great conversations about how this club reaches a broad base of multi-cultural creatives and marketing professionals, and how it continues to lead the way in membership and growth.