Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva

In this episode, Martin shares effective strategies for developing visible abs and losing stubborn belly fat. Key points: - Crunches are ineffective, focus on ab exercises with external resistance - Nutrition is crucial, aim to repair and rev up your metabolism rather than restrictive dieting - With the right training and metabolism-boosting diet, you can achieve prominent abs even at higher body fat percentages Martin emphasises proper form and technique for core exercises, recommending exercises like Roman chair sit-ups, hanging leg raises, and weighted ab movements. They also stress the importance of incorporating rotational movements to target obliques and prevent lower back injuries

Martin shares his personal journey of overcoming an unhealthy relationship with food and developing a sustainable approach to nutrition and metabolism. He offers a free "Ultimate Core Guide" program and encourage listeners to reach out for assistance in optimising their metabolism and overall health. The key takeaways are the importance of rotational movements, consistent ab training, building muscle through strength training, and a focus on metabolic health and sustainable fat loss, especially around the midsection

00:00:01 - How to Get Visible Abs
00:02:15 - Revamp Your Metabolism, Not Restrict
00:03:28 - Fixing Metabolism for Sustainable Fat Loss
00:05:07 - Mastering Core Activation: The Key to Effective Abdominal Training
00:06:53 - The Roman Chair Sit-Up Technique
00:08:19 - Mastering Hanging Leg Raises for Effective Abs
00:10:02 - Developing Abs with Decline Sit-ups and Rotations
00:11:52 - Chasing Abs: A Humbling Realization and Renewed Commitment
00:13:29 - Developing Metabolism and Muscle for Fat Loss
00:15:05 - Get Sustainable Fat Loss

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Email: admin@optimiseyourbody.com 

What is Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva?

Hosted by Transformation Coach and Ex-Pro Physique Competitor- Martin Silva.
Nutrition. Training. Lifestyle. Mindset.
Martin is a true health guru. With a focus on nutrition and the best foods that we can be eating to maintain optimum health.
Find out how Martin's life changed when he put health before aesthetics with a clean diet and more of a balanced lifestyle.
Martin has interviewed some world-renowned guests on his podcast.
If you're looking to level up your body and mindset, this podcast is for you.