Top Priority | Ideas for Human Flourishing

Top Priority | Ideas for Human Flourishing Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

039 Top Priority Podcast | How Certificate of Needs Negatively Impact Your Access to Quality Health Care

039 Top Priority Podcast | How Certificate of Needs Negatively Impact Your Access to Quality Health Care039 Top Priority Podcast | How Certificate of Needs Negatively Impact Your Access to Quality Health Care


It's possible you've never heard of a Certificate of Need. It's a policy so awful, even the Federal Government repealed it. Yet many states still enforce it and the negative consequences of it impact access to quality health care across America. In this episode, Charlie Katabi, Health Policy Analyst with Americans for Prosperity, and Jason Edson, trainer with the Americans for Prosperity Education and Training Department and paramedic, explain the damaging effects Certificates of Need policies have on Americans.

What is Top Priority | Ideas for Human Flourishing?

We have a deep belief in people and promote ideas of human flourishing.

Top Priority is a collection of interactive, learning-oriented conversations on how the Stand Together Community engages with and advocates for solutions through the lens of our Community Vision: We transform society by breaking the internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their potential, enabling all people to improve their lives and find fulfillment by helping others do the same.

The Stand Together Community Vision is guided by four, mutually reinforcing principles: Equal Rights | Mutual Benefit | Openness | Self-Actualization

Explore the free and civil society through the lens of each of these four mutually reinforcing principles and stand together to help every person rise.

Top Priority is a production of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Grassroots Leadership Academy, where we make Human Flourishing a top priority.