Batteries not included

When leaders don't lead, chaos follows. Parents are leaders. Are you leading?

Show Notes

As parents we are to lead our families. But if we don't take the roles and responsibilities of leaders, our children will try to fill the leadership role (even though they can't even cook mac n cheese yet), and chaos in ensues. The solution is to be leaders. Leaders led by truth not by our fickle emotions. 

We we lead, we then are able to teach our children how to lead themselves not by their roller coaster of emotions--but by truth.

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What is Batteries not included?

Did you think parenting was suppose to work straight out of the box? We did, too. But soon, we figured out we were missing critical, but simple, tools to make our marriage, parenting, and family work. "Batteries Not Included" equips you to build a strong and resilient family culture so we grow the relationships we dream of with the people matter.