The Curious Business Guide

Money. It is the bain of most small business owner's life. Making it, managing it and borrowing it. In this episode we explore fintech platform Swoop with one of it's founders, Andrew Moon, who guides us through the simplicity and breadth of this unique finance and money resource for small and medium sized businesses. This could be a real gamechanger; one that plugs the small business directly into a broader range of financial providers, grants, Angels and VCs all in one place.

Show Notes

Money in, money out. The life breath of a business. Yet it is possibly the most stressful and confusing part of running a business.

In this episode we speak with Andrew Moon of the Swoop platform which aims to 'make it easy for businesses to source and save money they need to grow - all in one place". 

"Swoop uses machine learning to enable small companies to apply for multiple sources of funding through one portal. Cutting through some of the noise to identify funding that actually fits a company makes a big pile of sense." - The Sunday Times

Andrew guides us through:

  • Why there is no one size fits all - there are multiple financial vehicles available to fund your business it's not just a loan or investment.
  • Funding and finance can be a jigsaw to best fit the business needs.
  • How the right finance support can simplify and improve the chances of getting accepted for the appropriate finance options.
  • Demystifying the process of getting finance, getting investment and better managing business costs.
  • Getting help with large grant applications and the thorny problem of match funding.
  • A financial health check and how it could save you money.

Swoop work with a wide range of lenders and investors, as well as offering a review of costs to ensure you're getting the best for your money and making savings where you can. All this and no cost to the business user.

If you want to know more got to you can visit the Swoop Funding platform or simply register and speak to one of their advisers.

Register on Swoop 

What is The Curious Business Guide?

Rachel Cheetham, Business owner, business adviser, coach and mentor explores everything business in The Curious Business Guide. If you're curious about every aspect of doing business and always keen to learn new things, each episode explores a challenge that came up for either a business she is working with or in the business she helps to run. This is a podcast for all those who run a small business, regardless of what point you are in your journey, who want answers to daft questions, practical and actionable advice and the start of a wider exploration of the subjects.