Closer to Christ

What do you see when you look in the mirror. A vast majority of people do not like what they see. And we are not talking first and foremost about appearance. We are talking about the man and woman underneath. The mistakes we have made, the people we have hurt, our failings and failures, our disappointments and regrets. If this is what see, we are not seeing what God sees. We are focused instead on what the devil wants us to see. He wants us to see sin, failure, shame, hopelessness. That is not the reality of who we are in Christ. That is not what God sees. In Christ we live in grace—mercies new every morning. We are eternally loved, forgiven, and cherished. As a part of the household of God we live in the joy and freedom of his grace. As part of the household of God our quest is to be constantly growing in our ability to display grace…to ourselves, to our children, to our spouses, to everyone. And when, like Paul, Satan holds our past failures in front of us to haunt us, the response God encouarages is to focus on how he is graciously redeeming our past and miraculously making it all beautiful.

What is Closer to Christ?

Messages from St Paul's Lutheran Church and the Bridge in Muskego, WI