Sparks by Ignium

In this episode of Sparks by Ignium Phil Rose talks to Julie Kratz. Julie is an Inclusive Leadership Trainer, diversity trainer, Podcast host and TEDX Speaker. In this episode Julie and Phil explore some of the key aspects of what it takes to truly become an ally. Don’t listen to this podcast if you’re stuck in your ways and are ‘pale, male and stale’ as it will seriously challenge your thinking and help you step up and change.

Show Notes

In this episode of Sparks by Ignium Phil Rose talks to Julie Kratz. Julie is an Inclusive Leadership Trainer, diversity trainer, Podcast host and TEDX Speaker. In this episode Julie and Phil explore some of the key aspects of what it takes to truly become an ally. Don’t listen to this podcast if you’re stuck in your ways and are ‘pale, male and stale’ as it will seriously challenge your thinking and help you step up and change.
(Some of) The main points for listeners:

·       Exploring the human vs business case for a wider diversity focus

·       How businesses can grow profitability 21-36% through a true focus on diversity, gender and race

·       Bringing a childlike curiosity to the world of diversity in business

·       Leading like an ally and what it means to us all

·       How organisations can deepen their knowledge

·       How to create a culture that truly supports allyship

·       How a full understanding of D&I really adds to the culture in a business

·       Unconscious bias – how to identify it, manage it 

·       ‘men as allies’ –how do we engage men and help them lead with equality

·       The real business benefits from fully embracing D&I polices that aren’t just box ticking, money or PR coverage

·       Why over 70% of generation Zs are demanding more diversity

·       How Gen Zs are more and more identifying as gender non-binary

·       How we are traditionally hardwired to do things the same…

·       How the status quo is driving… nothing

·       Being intentional about welcoming change

·       Why an active engagement from the CEO and senior team is critical

·       How drive social change is the best way to drive change through organisations

·       Reaching out to others as an ally

·       Becoming a white ally for people of colour, and any people you consider different

·       How a pay gap audit in Salesforce identified a $20M difference

·       What ‘we’ can do to support and influence change – hint, don’t spend time with people who don’t want to get it!

·       Getting exposure and diversify who you spend time with

·       Becoming an active ally

·       Amplifying your voice to raise awareness - read more on Julie’s resource list about ways to get your voice heard and learn more

·       How we all can educate and be educated by our young people and children

·       Little Allies – Julie’s book

·       How to get more men out there as allies… take baby steps and just edge in…

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More about Julie Kratz:

Learn about Julie’s resource list for Anti-Racists and Developing Allies

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Books Referenced in this Episode
Little Allies, Julie Kratz,
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