The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

This week we have Saul Gruber as a guest on the podcast! Saul was a nationally renowned Trial Lawyer for 30 years with multiple offices in New Jersey and recently relocated to Florida and transitioned from practicing law to Trial Consulting. He formerly represented victims of Medical Negligence, Car Wrecks, Defective Products and  earned a national reputation in representing and helping victims of Nursing Home Neglect.

After a rewarding career, Saul has now shifted his focus to helping other advocates reach the zenith in their client’s cases. According to Saul, “It is essential to tap into the jurors desires and fears as it relates to your client’s harms”. The Firm’s unique blend of experience, focus groups, rule development, and discovery and  deposition strategies provide continued persuasive insight unmatched by other consulting groups.

Watch the recording here.

3:30 consulting and mentoring 
4:35 you’re going to make a lot of mistakes
8:22 strategize to maximize
9:00 outsourcing 
12:08 working with lawyers as clients
16:40 connecting with clients
18:39 looking through a lens

Jim’s Hack: Book: Matthew McConaughey - Greenlights 

Saul’s Tip: If you want to be a trial lawyer and you want better settlements, what you need to do is try the case.

Tyson’s Tip: Reach out to your friends and see how they’re doing. 

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