First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
May 26, 2024 
SPRING 2024 
Together . . . for God’s Glory 
April 7 – June 1, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Prophet 
Glory Through Generosity 
Exodus 35:4-10, 20-22, 29 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel 
Theme for Spring 2024: Together . . . for God’s Glory! 

GUIDANCE: God provided guidance for His people as they journeyed from Egypt towards the Promised Land. He also provides guidance for us today! 
GLORY: God’s glory was often on display in the Exodus story. He desires for His glory to be on display today through us! 
GENEROSITY: In the construction of the Tabernacle, God offered His people an opportunity to demonstrate a spirit of generosity through giving time, talent, and treasure. He continues to call us to give generously as well. 
-God is the Owner, we are mere stewards. 
-God’s people provide for His work to be accomplished. 
-God’s work is worthy of our investment. 
Part of the privilege of serving God is to be found in the opportunity to donate to his purposes things that in his common grace he has already entrusted to the possession of his people. The highest honor a person can have in connection with anything he or she owns and might otherwise have used for self is seeing it given over to and incorporated into that which God thereafter owns and uses for his honor. 
-Douglas K. Stewart, The New American Commentary: Exodus

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