The Sleuth

Candice hosts for this special episode with a story of true crime with a follow-along quiz for our listeners. Have you ever wondered where the fear of poisoned Halloween candy comes from? Well, this episode solves that mystery.

Show Notes

Candice takes over the show for this special Halloween episode featuring a real true crime story. Follow along and take the quiz along the way to compete with our other Sleuth and podcast producer. 

Candice has prepared 10 questions scattered throughout the tale of a family going trick or treating, a sick child, a sudden death, and more.

Our story takes place in Deer Park Texas, a family was out collecting candy during Halloween. After stopping at a house with the lights off and not getting a response from the door the group went ahead. One dad stayed back and brought back six giant Pixie Sticks from the house with the lights off to the excited kids. Since there were only five in their group the extra stick was gifted to a lucky passerby.

After returning home the parents told the children they could each pick one piece of candy. Timothy chooses the giant Pixie Stick. Within an hour he was gravely ill and died shortly after. 

Upon further investigation, they found that his breath smelt like almonds which was a sign that he was poisoned.  The parents quickly contacted the other children and made sure no one else ate the contaminated sugar sticks.

Timothy's father tried to collect the insurance money the morning after and other evidence came in to narrow down who the culprit was, but when questioned, Ronald did not plead guilty.

At trial, the jury only deliberated for 46 minutes before finding Ronald O'Brien guilty and punishing him to death by execution.

Timothy was the only child on record to have passed away from deliberately tainted Halloween candy. 

What is The Sleuth?

The Sleuths are real private investigators here to help you find the truth when you need to know. With sometimes shocking, heartwarming, and hilarious stories from the field, they keep it real. Interviews with experts bring you insights on how people leverage P.I.'s in their lives and businesses. When you need to know, call the sleuths — licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Jamie hosts this entertaining and informative podcast to educate individuals and business owners.