AQR Qualversations

In our 4 th episode of the AQR podcast Qualversations, AQR Board member Judy Taylor talks
to Vicki Cooke, co-founder and Chair of Thinks Insight about her prolific research career.
Together they talk values, being disenchanted at school and how inspirational it has been to
work with real leaders, like the (then) Prince of Wales and Tony Blair.

Qualversations : designed to expand perspectives and deliver thought provoking opinion

What is AQR Qualversations?

Introducing Qualversations

AQR’s new podcast series designed to expand perspectives and deliver thought-provoking opinion pieces.

It is shocking to think that only 23% of business leaders in research are women. This needs to change! So, in the first few episodes of Qualversations AQR Board Member Debbie Newbould has interviewed inspiring women from outside our world of research to discuss women and leadership.