Answers from the Lab

Linnea Baudhuin, Ph.D., and Kate Kotzer, M.S., CGC, describe how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' postmortem genetic tests can provide answers after a sudden unexplained cardiac death. Test results are important for managing family members' risk for cardiovascular disease.

Show notes
 Would each of you share a little bit about yourselves and your backgrounds?
 Could you provide us with an overview of these new tests?
 Can you expand on why these postmortem cardiac tests are so important?
 Who could benefit from postmortem cardiac testing?
 How does a health care provider order these tests? What sample types are accepted?
 Is there a limit to the age of the specimen? Are there any limitations to the type of variants that can be detected by this test?
 What other unique features set these tests apart?
 How are the test results used in patient care?
 Could you summarize the benefits of doing these tests at Mayo?

What is Answers from the Lab?

A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.