4D Recruitment Method

Time is an issue for many in recruitment.

Not enough hours in the day. Too much to do.

Yet there are those who seem to be super productive. Highly efficient.

What do they do that others don't?

I'm going to share with you a few truths about the lies we tell ourselves about time management and how you can become more productive without increasing hours worked. it doesn't mean ti's going to be easy. And there's no quick fix.

When you know what it takesyou can own the choices you make about where you invest and where you sacrifice time. And that's one of the three things that's totally in your control in this life.


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The 4D Recruitment Method Membership

Now is your chance to adopt a methodology that will make it easy for clients to say yes and choose you as their recruitment partner.

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What is 4D Recruitment Method?

The podcast for recruitment business owners, consultants and managers. Hosted by Jeremy Snell, this pod takes a fresh look at recruitment and how to achieve consistent success. Each short, punchy episode gives you an idea to play with or, a different perspective on a common challenge.
Making recruitment fun again.