La Domenica di Ameria Radio

a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante


Thomas Linley (1756-1778) 

Concerto in fa maggiore per violino e orchestra

1. Moderato

2. Adagio

3. Rondeau

Mirijam Contzen, violino
Bayerische Kammerphilharmonie
Reinhard Goebel, direttore
The Tempest (1777)

1. Arise! Ye Spirits Of The Storm 

2. O Bid Your Faithful Ariel Fly 

3. Come Unto These Yellow Sands 

4. Hark, Hark, The Watch-Dogs Bark 

5. While You Here Do Sleeping Lie 

6. Ere you Can Say 'Come' And 'Go' 

7. Where The Bee Sucks, There Lurk I 

Julia Gοοding, soprano
The Pаrley of Instruments Baroque Choir & Orchestra
Paul Nichοlsοn, direttore

What is La Domenica di Ameria Radio?

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